If I was a crayon I would be the Hot Pink one as I think that it is the color of joy in the universe.
I am easily seduced by beauty.
I tango in authenticity.
Given choice it is chocolate ice cream every time.
I cordially decline offers to conform.
While I am not sweet, I am very loving.
My spirit name is “Ocean Rainbow”.
When I fail, I endeavor to fail forward, expanding from the experience.
I would rather walk barefoot through sand than grass.
Give me beat up cowboy boots over stiletto heels any day.
I unapologetically wield the sword of truth.
I believe that rainbows and full moons are good luck symbols.
My totem animal is black jaguar.
The ocean is my muse and I feel that I was a mermaid in my last life.
My idling speed is high and I am passionately dramatic.
I believe that it is possible to be spiritually aligned and wealthy.
I wish on the first star I see at night.
My signature scent is musk.
I move toward what I want rather than away from what I fear.
Tenacity is my currency.
The shield of warrioress comes easily to me, while nurturer not so much.
I detest olives with a passion.
I am unstoppable yet I am always willing to pivot.
I believe that I reap what I sow.
Color does not wear me; I wear color.
I am unabashedly a mushy romantic; a total candlelight, wine and roses kind of gal.
My affirmation is “Courage is Fuel”.
I don’t seek permission or an apology to be who I am.
Abundance is my birthright.
I take every excuse to pop the champagne and celebrate.
I am unafraid to make enemies yet respectful of many voices.
My last boat was named “Calculated Risk”.
I always come from kindness yet it does not always look nice.
I lead by living in paradox.
When I find a penny I pick it up, believing that all day I will have good luck.
I feel that the only way out is through.
I dare to live on the edge of my being.
My least favorite smell is ammonia.
I prefer the role of servant to that of the served.
While I don’t demand perfection, I do expect concerted effort and commitment.
Trusting my intuition has me stand strong in my integrity.
Sunny side up is how I cook my eggs.
I juxtapose energy and stillness and love to move my body.
I journey with unlimited curiosity.
Gratitude catapults me into my heart and fosters my generosity.
I am joyfully deliberate, intentional, intense, and focused.
I take what serves me and I leave the rest.