How will you live a meaningful life with the time you have remaining?
Navigate the labyrinth of life and journey to the center of deepest self
Philanthropy and Good Karma:
Meridian Life Design Inc. clients tend to be people who carry their groceries in re-useable totes, who tip hard working restaurant staff generously, and who catch and release the spider in their bathtub back into nature.
Just so you kind hearted souls out there know, Meridian Life Design Inc. donates 100% of all fees collected for life and legacy coaching services provided to charities and non-profit organizations who are doing important work.
Our incredibly benevolent clients direct their life coaching fees to the worthy cause of their choice!
Meridian Life Design Inc. believes in giving back to the community and that philanthropy can impact your life in profound ways if you align your contributions with your values to create the change you want to see in the world. We assert that giving your time and money is a way of expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life and creates a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Is there a cause close to your heart? Give life coaching a try and let us know!
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”