What contributions are still important for you to make?
Company Values:
The values by which Meridian Life Design Inc. operates, honor and support those of the Coaches Training Institute (www.thecoaches.com).
We believe in co-active relationships, partnerships, and community, knowing that our impact will be much greater than if we acted alone. We trust that each individual has inherent value to add, so we listen with deep curiosity and intent to discover and build on each other’s ideas and intentions. We create designed alliances with explicit shared expectations of roles and outcome so we can both support and challenge each other in action.
We hold ourselves and each other accountable. We honor our word. We show up with integrity. What we say is what we mean and what we do.
We walk our talk. There is congruence between what we teach our clients and how we conduct ourselves. We expect and reward authenticity in one another. How we do our business is just as important as the business we do.
We act from a stance of generosity and abundance. Our business and purpose is centered around giving and contributing to each other and the world.
We aim for sustainability of both ourselves and our company. We take care of ourselves, aimed at living fulfilling and meaningful lives. We ensure our company’s profitability, so our impact in the world will be sustainable. We embrace fun, joy, and ease in our actions and relationships as important pointers to sustainability. We are serious about our impact in the world, and we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
World-Class Quality
We hold ourselves to the highest standards and take pride in our world-class quality in everything we do. We hold excellence as an ever evolving target. In our commitment to excellence, we continually ask for and give feedback. We pay attention to details because quality demands it.
Continuous Learning
We are committed to lifelong learning for ourselves and our clients. We celebrate our mistakes as opportunities for learning and necessary for innovation. We remain actively curious to learn from our results, each other, and our community. We “dance” with what shows up, informed more by what is needed than fixed assumption from the past. We reinvent ourselves as needed for the sake of our desired impact in the world.